Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Julie & Julia

I just watched the movie Julie & Julia which was a movie that I thought I would like but it wasn't something I thought I would love. Boy was I wrong!! That movie ranks right up there with other movies that I love to watch over and over including Pretty Woman. I am not sure what part of the movie I loved the most. I really loved watching the relationships between Julie and her husband versus Julia and hers. I was in tears when Julia got the letter from her sister saying that her sister was pregnant. Was Julia Child really as fabulous as this movie portrays her?

When I was a child, my Grandma Cardwell always had the cooking shows on the television on weekends and I loved watching Julia with her. Cooking is always something that I have enjoyed but I can't say I'm even very good at it but for a few of my favorite recipes. At first this movie inspired me to try all kinds of new recipe's. Unfortunately that feeling melted away quickly when I realized that it took me more than 3 hours to watch a 2 hour movie because of all of the interruptions from children needing potty help, snacks and what have you. So instead I decided to go with the other inspiration which is to resume blogging.

Still, I wonder if I can find that yummy beef stew (boof borgois is how she said it LOL) recipe??

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